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GLAMMIC Unique School of Soul Winning Centre, an end time Mobilization and Evangelistic 
Mission Centre based in Accra has graduated its’ first batch of fifteen (15) students and 
presented them with resources to efficiently equip them for soul winning mission. 
Speaking at the Graduation Ceremony at the Atomic Hills Baptist Church in Accra, Reverend 
Micheal Oppong Essuman, the Director and Founder of the Centre said the mission for which 
the centre was established is to mobilize lay street preachers, train and equip them with the 
necessary resources to efficiently preach the Kingdom of God to win more souls through 


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Touching on the uniqueness of the training, Reverend Michael Oppong Essuman reiterated 
that, it takes only three months for participants to graduate from the program, with students 
attending classes once every week. Giving reasons for this short term, he further stressed that, 
most street preachers are people who have already received some form of divine calling 
therefore the most important assistance is to impact them with short formal term training that 
emphasizes on soul winning and resources to equip them effectively for the evangelical work.
Reverend Micheal Essuman gave chronology of events that led to the establishment this noble 
school in his speech on the brief history of the centre. He further used the opportunity to solicit 
for resources for the centre, so they can equip more lay preachers to advance the work of the 
kingdom of God through evangelism.

Reverend Emmanuel Annoh, a retired Reverend of the Baptist Church, who was the Special 
Guest and spoke under the theme “The Great Commission” reiterated that, in today’s world, 
most Christians have abandoned this noble divine mission, rendering the Great Commission 
unattended to. He further emphasised that as the Lord Jesus Christ commanded in Matthew
chapter 28 verses 18 to 20, soul winning is the mandate of the church and must be urgently 
taken seriously by every Christian as well as the Church. Reverend Annoh charged the 
graduands to be committed to the Great Commission so as to impact this end time generation 
by winning souls into the kingdom of God.
The programme which was in close collaboration with Philfree Media Network, a Christian 
based online media network, saw dignitaries from all walks of life gracing the occasion with 
the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Freeman Kofi Owusu being acknowledged as the pillar behind 
the successes of the activities of the centre.
Graduands were presented with free bible based literatures, tracks, megaphones, rechargeable 
speakers and instructional materials as basic resources to equip and strengthen them for the 
task ahead